Re: How to setup GTKmm in Visual Studio 2010?

I'm getting an error:
expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'Glib'|
C:\libraries\gtkmm\include\glibmm-2.4\glibmm\unicode.h|30|fatal error:
cctype: No such file or directory|
||=== Build finished: 2 errors, 0 warnings ===|

(Note that gtkmm was the location
was installed, gtkmm64 is in the gtkmm64, on the same dir level as

I've set everything to use MinGW g++ (4.5.2), and set all the things
you mentioned [to the letter].

How can I get this to work?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 2:31 AM, lecas malecas <darkiiiiii gmail com> wrote:
> By the way, you're looking into the gtkmm3 tutorials, but for windows
> there's only the previous version at the moment.
> On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 4:29 PM, lecas malecas <darkiiiiii gmail com> wrote:
>> In code blocks:
>> go project -> build options
>> on compiler settings -> other options write:
>>    `pkg-config --cflags gtkmm-2.4 --libs gtkmm-2.4`
>> and write the same in linker settings -> other linker options
>> Then on search directories in both the compiler and linker tab, add
>> the directory where you installed gtkmm.
>> (for example, in my case c:\gtkmm)
>> That's it.
>> On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 6:33 AM, Alec Taylor <alec taylor6 gmail com> wrote:
>>> Good afternoon,
>>> How do I setup GTK-- in Visual Studio 2010?
>>> This guide didn't work:
>>> Not even when I used the new example:
>>> I installed GTKmm using
>>> I even tried extracting this:
>>> to the same directory... to no avail
>>> Please help me get GTK-- compiled and working in Visual Studio 2010.
>>> Thanks for all suggestions,
>>> Alec Taylor
>>> PS: I'm happy to use Code::Blocks instead, if you can show me how
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