Re: Mapping of model attributes with unknown values to a corresponding widget display

On Mon, 2011-10-03 at 12:21 +0200, Markus Elfring wrote:
> Hello!
> The class "Gtk::CheckButton" provides the feature to display an intermediate
> status (by the interface "gtk_toggle_button_set_inconsistent"), doesn't it?
> I would like to know the recommend way to represent unknown values for model
> attributes when it seems that a member function like
> "Gtk::TreeView::append_column" does not support the use of three-valued logic
> directly.

Maybe you mean the Gtk::TreeView::append_column() method overloads that
TreeModelColumn parameters:

That method's documentation mentions that you can instead create the
TreeView::Column manually and use TreeViewColumn::set_cell_data_func()
with your own callback slot, which you could use to set the
"inconsistent" property:

> How do you store a "NULL" (SQL) for a model attribute with a data type like
> "bool" and update its visual appearance accordingly?

Obviously C++'s bool type can't represent 3 values. You would need
something else, I suppose. Personally, I use Gnome::Gda::Value, from
libgda, via libgdamm. It's not wonderful, but it works.

murrayc murrayc com

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