Re: gtkmm 3.0 linking problem.

On Wed, 18 May 2011 22:35:06 +0200
Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:

> Could you give us a small test case that shows this problem?

Hello Murray,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

The issue seems to be related to compiling in the Eclipse C++ IDE.
After a couple of days of more pressing problems, I tried again, and got
a pile of other linking errors. I found no way to include the necessary
libraries for both gtkmm and goocanvas. I finally gave up on Eclipse -
at least for now. 

Back to Anjuta, and there I was able to continue the project without
any problems (other than my coding errors).

I only went to Eclipse because my students had used it already for Java
projects and thought it would save time... I was heavily disappointed
about it's use for C++ (eg. the lack of pkg-config support). Maybe just
my lack of experience.

Thanks for your answer.


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