Re: Gtk::Entry Icon


I have a Gtk::Entry that has an icon at the end
(Gtk::ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY) and I set it to be Gtk::Stock::CLEAR

Now I want to remove this icon. In C, I do this by passing NULL to
gtk_entry_set_icon_from_stock(). Reading the documentation at [1], I
gather that I should pass zero to achieve this same effect. However when
I do this, I receive the error:

set_icon_from_stock(0, Gtk::ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY);

ui/dialog/ocaldialogs.cpp: In constructor

ui/dialog/ocaldialogs.cpp:292: error: no matching function for call to

/usr/include/gtkmm-2.4/gtkmm/entry.h:625: note: candidates are: void
Gtk::Entry::set_icon_from_stock(const Gtk::StockID&, Gtk::EntryIconPosition)

How can I achieve this in gtkmm?



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