Re: Drag cursor name

2011-12-21 04:55, lecas malecas skrev:
Hi, just an observation. I was just now trying to find the name of the
drag cursor ( for Gdk::Cursor::create() ), and when looking through
the CursorType enumerator, I couldn't find anything that seemed
related to dragging stuff. So I ended up just trying out all of them

Turns out that the drag cursor is called FLEUR (no idea what that means).

Couldn't it have a nicer name?

There's some really cool cursors there though :p

A general rule for gtkmm programming is: If you don't find enough information in the gtkmm documentation, look in the gtk+ documentation. In this case at
There you can see what all the cursors look like.

And what does FLEUR mean? It's French for flower, but that interpretation seems far-fetched here.

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