Re: align middle button's labels

It works beautifully thank you so much

Kjell Ahlstedt <kjell ahlstedt bredband net> wrote:

>2011-12-07 02:13, kiet tran skrev:
>> Hi,
>> Is there way to align buttons labels to the centre of the button, 
>> where that button has more than 1 line text.
>> cheers,
>> Kiet Tran
>A Gtk::Button is a Gtk::Bin, and the button's label is its child widget.
>Gtk::Button::get_child() (actually the inherited Gtk::Bin::get_child()) 
>returns a pointer to the label.
>Then you can use all the methods of the label, e.g. set_line_wrap() and 
>   Gtk::Label* pLabel = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Label*>(m_button1.get_child());
>   if (pLabel)
>   {
>     pLabel->set_line_wrap(true);
>     pLabel->set_justify(Gtk::JUSTIFY_CENTER);
>   }
>   else
>   {
>     ??????
>   }

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