No yet encrypted...

Hi guys,

This week, I was trying to send char strings (char *) throw low level
gio sockets (Gio::Socket), not yet encrypted.


Note: The format of sent messages is: a zero prefixed value of string
bytes size + string value,

Given by this function...

Glib::ustring make_messages (Glib::ustring string_value, int nofzeros)
   std::stringstream sSize;
   sSize.width (nofzeros);
   sSize << string_value.bytes();
   Glib::ustring str_size = sSize.str();

   return str_size+string_value;


       Glib::ustring s_mess = make_messages (message, 8);

       gssize size = 0;
       gssize to_send = s_mess.bytes();

       while (to_send > 0)
                       size = socket->send (s_mess.c_str(), to_send);
               catch (const Gio::Error & error)
                       stop = true;

               to_send -= size;

(I prefer to use a Glib::ustring object instead of a std::string,
here). The problem is that at the receiving endpoint, the messages
with a multi-byte character doesn't appear (For example: Works fine
with strings like "Hello..." or "everything else" but not with

       gssize size = 0;
       gssize to_receive = 8;

       gchar longr_mess[to_receive];

               size = client_socket->receive (longr_mess, to_receive);
       catch (const Gio::Error & error)

       to_receive = atoi (longr_mess);

       if (to_receive == 0)

       gchar * r_mess = g_new0 (gchar, to_receive);

               size = client_socket->receive (r_mess, to_receive);
       catch (const Gio::Error & error)
               return false;

       if (size == 0)
               return false;

       Glib::ustring mess (r_mess, size);

       g_free (r_mess);

               << Glib::ustring::compose ("# %1", mess)
               << std::endl;

What's happen, here ?

Could you help me... ?


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