Re: Do Gtkmm 2.22 have problems on windows?

Yes, they should still be there. MinGW release binaries are in redist/, Visual C++ release binaries are in bin/ (the DLLs without 'd-' in the name).

On 10/14/2010 3:34 PM, Filipe Apostolo wrote:

I'll download it and will try it.

Another question, dont you put the redistributable file anymore with the
develop ones?

Armin Burgmeier wrote:
Right, I didn't get to update it yesterday. Will do soon.

I think that most problems have been fixed and 2.22 should be rather
safe to use, however I have not performed extensive tests. So it would
be great to hear from people who give 2.22 a try.


On Thu, 2010-10-14 at 11:03 +0100, Filipe Apostolo wrote:

Hi everyone,

The gtkmm 2.22 release for MSWindows was released yesterday. In the
web-page ( it says:

"Please use version 2.16 for now, not 2.18 or newer except if you really
need any of the new functionality. This is because GTK+ contains serious
regressions on Windows since 2.18."

This text is not updated in a long time. Does it still valid? Do Gtkmm
2.22 still have problems on windows?

My best regards
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