Re: sigc::connection connect and disconnect

On Wed, 2010-11-10 at 16:24 +0100, Kees Kling wrote:
> Hi,
> perhaps more of a sigc question.
> If I connect a signal with
> sigc::connection moveSignal = 
> mainWindow->signal_motion_notify_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&screenManager::on_motion_notify_event),false);
> I can disconnect it with
> moveSignal.disconnect();
> but is there a way to reconnect the same connection to the same object???

You can probably get the same effect with block() and unblock().

And you can also store the result of sigc::mem_fun in a suitable
sigc::slot, so you can just use it agian.

murrayc murrayc com

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