Re: Gtk::Bin::set_justify(Left)??

On Mon, 08 Nov 2010 12:37:21 -0500
ArbolOne <arbolone gmail com> wrote:
> I really don't understand why this should be a problem, it is a
> simple mechanism and logical to assume that developer would use this
> feature. Anyway, here is the code:
>      lblIntTxt = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Label());
>      lblIntTxt->set_text("int");
>      lblIntTxt->set_justify(Gtk::JUSTIFY_LEFT);
>      lblIntTxt->set_alignment(Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT,Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT);
>      lblIntTxt->property_xalign() = 0.0f;
> I am really hoping that someone here would be able to resolve this 
> problem, because, even though all suggestions have been applied,
> none, *not one, has worked :(

You have not provided a compilable test case.  As I have previously
said, just providing snippets like this is not going to achieve

Probably you are not setting the parent container to expand correctly,
but until you provide some compilable code which demonstrates the issue
no one can help you with this.


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