Re: strange behavior of random numbers with gtkmm

On 06/15/2010 10:41 PM, jody wrote:
My problem is not that i do get the same sequence.
My problem is that the first time i get a different sequence than the following
time even though i always use the same seed.

@oscar: did you make sure *not* to press the reset button before you
press the 'step' button the first time? So that
the first call to random() follows the srand() call  triggered in the

Yep. If I press RESET before STEP I get

Reset   <----- one more RESET
One step: 1889402444
One step: 1202690506
One step: 785052894
One step: 1889402444
One step: 1202690506
One step: 785052894
One step: 1889402444
One step: 1202690506
One step: 785052894

But if I press STEP (and never press RESET) I get

One step: 1889402444
One step: 1202690506
One step: 785052894
One step: 1889402444
One step: 1202690506
One step: 785052894
One step: 1889402444
One step: 1202690506
One step: 785052894

In both case the numbers are always the same, as expected.

BTW: I have gtkmm 2.16.0 and gtk+ 2.16.6

Also tried with gtkmm 2.18.2 and gtk+ 2.18.6

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