Re: Trying hard with a custom cellrenderer.

I'm trying to render the button with this approach, but I've had no
luck. In the render_vfunc in my cellrenderer. My cellrenderer
derives from Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf. But the text for the button is
not displayed and the button looks like something gray as if
it weren't a real Gtk::Button.

void render_vfunc(Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Drawable> const & window,
                      Gtk::Widget& widget,
                      Gdk::Rectangle const & background_area,
                      Gdk::Rectangle const & cell_area,
                      Gdk::Rectangle const & expose_area,
                      Gtk::CellRendererState flags)  {

        OffscreenWindow osw;
        Gtk::Button b(property_url_);

        auto pixbuf = osw.get_pixbuf();
        property_pixbuf() = pixbuf;
        CellRendererPixbuf::render_vfunc(window, widget,
background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags);

I couldn't use a Gtk::TreeModelColumn<URL*> in any way. I had to use
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> but that's not
what I want.

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