Putting a image on the Gtk::Button..?

 i have  a small question . Recently i experimented with some  code to put a image into a button, my code is given below..

Gtk::Image *m_image=new Gtk::Image("gtk-paste.png");

                                    At first the image did not show up at all. i hoped that the calling the show_all_children() was enough to display the all children but i fixed the problem when i called the show method of the image object .My question is that why do i have to call the show method isn't calling show_all_childer() enough to display all children ? .

                                         i am a newcomer to c++ and gtkmm, i have never programed gtk+ before so i dont know anything about gtk+ so i am very sorry if there is a easy explanation to this.

                                                                with regards........


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