

I am currently playing little bit with gtkmm. I made simple program with
main menu and few components and I tried predefined
Gtk::FileChooserDialog which is good. But I tried also Gtk::AboutDialog
and I have problems with this one (really important one, i know :-D).
Maybe I am doing something wrong maybe AboutDialog is not working (yet)
as I am expecting...

Gtk::AboutDialog dialog();
dialog.set_title("Title of dialog");
dialog.set_copyright("Martin, 2010");
dialog.set_license("license text will be here...");

where *this is made from:
class MainForm : public Gtk::Window

1) Icon. As far as I understand it, AboutDialog uses same icon (in
caption, upper left corner :)) as main (parent) window - because of
dialog.set_transient_for() call, right? But if I click "License" or
"Credits" button in AboutDialog, new opened "subdialog" has no icon set
(I mean default icon, not no icon). Can I influence it somehow?

2) When I click website button (running on OpenSuse 64b) I get error (in
/usr/bin/firefox: line 128: 16251 Segmentation fault      $MOZ_PROGRAM
is this possible bug of firefox? Or should I open website manually in
some function by set_url_hook (how?)?

3) set_title() probably has no effect, it will be always "About
Program", right?

4) Is there a way to change text on the "License" or "Translator"

Of course I can made my own About Dialog I just want to be sure it is
really needed, maybe I am just missing something easy :-)

Thanks for any answer,

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