Re: adding a window into a widget

Sorry, but I don't know anything about ogr3d yet, but I started to work on a similar thing. I also want a window in which  I can draw, but then with the Cairo::context. In the tutorial is a chapter about custom widgets, which is the way I try to do it. Perhaps this will be also a lead for you

Kees Kling

43b53 bv6542b wrote:
Thank you for your answer.
I know that adding a window to a window is not the usual way to use
gtkmm, but I would like to do it because I am trying to embed an
ogre3d "context" in a gtkmm application.

2010/12/2 Kees Kling <ckling upcmail nl>:
43b53 bv6542b wrote:
I am using gtkmm in a windows xp platform.
I need to add a Gtk::Window into a Gtk::Widget.

Gtk::Window win0, win1;
Gtk::Frame f;

This code crashes.
Could you kindly help me?
Thank you very much.
gtkmm-list mailing list
gtkmm-list gnome org

Gtk:: window is ment to be the toplevel window, which is the base of the
application. So you can  add a Gtk::Frame to a Gtk::Window, but not the
other way around.

#include <gtkmm.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv);

 Gtk::Window window;
 Gtk::Frame testframe;


 return 0;

and this will  show you a toplevel window with a frame in it

Kees Kling



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