Thu, 01 Apr 2010 19:47:24 +0200
> Chris Vine wrote:
> > Or if we are being entirely rigorous about it, just possibly
> > you construct a std::string object your compiler is
dispensing with
> > the copy constructor (which will be inline), as it is
entitled but
> > not required to do, but does not do this when constructing a
> > Glib::ustring object (the constructor for which is not
inline); and
> > the copy constructor of std::string, called by the copy
> > of Glib::ustring, is leaking.
> >
> > This seems most unlikely but you could test for it by directly
> > initialising the string (which in my opinion is better style
> > anyway).
> Usually Compiles invoke the Constructor, not
the Copy-Constructor
> when using this style.
> So
> Glib::ustring u = "Test";
> should be the same as
> Glib::ustring u("Test");
> Try it, but it should not change anything.
You probably need to re-read my post. Or at any rate, I don't think
much stands between elision of the copy constructor "just possibly" not
happening (my words) and "usually" happening (your words). I would go
for either.