Gtk::ProgressBar is not being updated inside a for statement

Hello, I'm writing a small application that makes a simple operation (i.e. 5+6, 8*9, etc.) and the user gives the amount of time (seconds) that operation will take, i.e. if the user enters 8 seconds my application will enter in a little loop to wait 8 seconds.

The "wait" function works well, what happens is that the progress bar gets updated only after the control exits the function and is at 100% and the progress as the job is being done won't be displayed. I only see the progress bar at 100% when it has finished the work and not during the time it's being done.

I searched a little about this before sending this e-mail, I found I should use the static functions in Gtk::Main::events_pending() and Gtk::Main::iteration(), I saw a "false" argument should be passed to the Gtk::Main::iteration() method, I tried both arguments (true and false) none of them worked....

Here is part of the code I use

void wait(double seconds){
clock_t end_wait;
end_wait = clock () + end_wait * CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
while (clock() < end_wait) {}

for(int i=1; i<=max_time; i++){

             wait(1); //Waits one second

myProgressBar.set_fraction(i/max_time); //it updates the GUI until it has returned to the main window loop

while(Gtk::Main::events_pending()) //this should update the progress bar in GUI on each iteration in this for statement, but it doesn't

Gtk::Main::iteration();//I tried both arguments, false and true, none of them worked, same result... it gets updated when it exits the function that uses this for statement

Thanks for your time and help.

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