Probleme With Threads.

Hello to all.
I've a big problem.
I'm using plotmm to display a curve (normal).
the datas I want to display come frome a ComPort (or a blocking Socket).
I've tried with a pthread mechanism, by passing main class in argument, but, when I arrive at
PlotTest->m_plot.scale(PlotMM::AXIS_LEFT)->set_range( Ymin, Ymax);
I've this message :
fatal io error 11 resource temporarily unavailable on x server 0.0
below, is the code I want to be implemented in a thread because I wait before receiving data :
Thanks for your help.
bool PlotTest::LoopReceive()
//PlotTest *MainLoop = (PlotTest*)pt;
double data[2000];
char cbuffer[6033];
int recu;
int taille;
int frequence;
int intcurve;
double ymax;
double ymin;

 recu = 0;
 memset(cbuffer, 0, 6033);

 std::cout << "Top Receive" <<std::endl;
 while(recu != 33)
  recu += Rs->recv((char*)cbuffer + recu, 33 - recu);
 taille = *(short*)&cbuffer[14];
 frequence = *(short*)&cbuffer[2];
 while(recu != taille)
  recu += Rs->recv((char*)cbuffer + recu, taille - recu);
 // 20Hz
 if(taille == 93)  intcurve = 20;
 if(taille == 633) intcurve = 200;
 // 50Hz
 if(taille == 183) intcurve = 50;
 if(taille == 1533) intcurve = 500;
 if(taille == 333) intcurve = 100;
 if(taille == 3033) intcurve = 1000;
    Glib::Timer timer;
 if(taille == 633)  intcurve = 200;
 if(taille == 6033) intcurve = 2000;
     ymax = -G_MAXFLOAT;
     ymin = G_MAXFLOAT;
 for(int i = 0; i < intcurve; i++)
  int t =0;
  unsigned  char *A;
  A =(unsigned char*) &t;
  int u = 0;
  unsigned char *B;
  B = (unsigned char*)&u;
  *(A+3) = cbuffer[30 + 3*i]&0x80?0xff:0x00;
  *(A+2) = cbuffer[30 + 3*i];
  *(A+1) = cbuffer[29 + 3*i];
  *(A)   = cbuffer[28 + 3*i];
  data[i] = t;
  if(t > ymax) ymax = t;
  if(t < ymin) ymin = t;
m_plot.scale(PlotMM::AXIS_LEFT)->set_range(ymin+ymin/10,ymax + ymax/10);

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