Calling Gtk::ToggleToolButton's set_icon_widget() multiple times

Hi all,

I'm new to this mailing-list (and quite new to Gtkmm programming too),
but I joined because I have a problem to which I couldn't find an answer
through your mailing-list-archives and best friend Google.

My goal is to add a Gtk::ToggleToolButton to a Gtk::Toolbar (this
works). The Gtk::ToggleToolButton should show icon #1 in its non-active
(raised) state and icon #2 in its active (pressed) state. Here's how I
tried to accomplish this in class Foo:


/* Class Foo's private variables */
Gtk::ToggleToolButton mToggleToolButton;
Gtk::Image *pImage;

/* Class Foo's constructor */
	// In this constructor the ToggleToolButton is successfully set to have
the default icon
	Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> im =
Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_file("path_to_icon_1", 22, 22, true);
	pImage = manage(new Gtk::Image(im));
	mToggleToolButton.signal_toggled().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this,
&Foo::on_toggletoolbutton_toggled) );

void Foo::on_toggletoolbutton_toggled()
	if  ( mToggleToolButton.get_active() )
		// Here I try to replace the ToggleToolButton's icon
		Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> im =
Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_file("path_to_icon_2", 22, 22, true);
		pImage = manage(new Gtk::Image(im));
		// Icon #1 again


I've tried the above with and without the Gtk::manage() function, both
with no luck: when the ToggleToolButton is toggled for the first time
after construction, icon #1 is removed as expected but not replaced with
icon #2. Maybe needless to say, but when the ToggleToolButton is toggled
for a second time or more it remains without icon.

What am I doing wrong here? Or can Gtk::ToggleToolButton be only set to
have an icon once? Hope you can help me out!


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