strange behaviour of hide()... or not ?


I was surprised with an strange behaviour of hide(). I thought that
this was equivalent of "cancel()", but now it doesn't works.

I relooked the references pages...


static void Gtk::Main::run  	( Window&  window ) [static]

Returns from the main loop when the window is closed.

When using this override, you should not use Gtk::Main::quit() to
close the application, but just call hide() on your Window class.

    	window 	The window to show. This method will return when the
window is hidden.

..... because I have


Gtk::Window window;
Gtk::Main::run (window);


.... and this window only closes just by clicking the external frame
window x button, but not if hide() is called directly (not by functors
as many of examples...).

I'm wrong ???

Could help ???


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