Re: How to use specific methods with a generic widget pointer?

On 03/17/2009 10:33 AM, Paulo Flabiano Smorigo wrote:

What can I do to solve the following error? I need to use a different
kind of pointer?

The code:
Gtk::ToggleButton btnOK;
Gtk::Widget *ptrElement = NULL;

ptrElement =&btnOK;


The error:
error: ‘class Gtk::Widget’ has no member named ‘set_active’

But why do you want to do that, assigning a pointer to a stack object, given that as soon as you leave the scope the pointer will be invalid.

Unlike the other said, you'd better use static_cast<> because at that point you do know that ptrElement points to a Gtk::ToggleButton.

And no it can't guess. C++ is a statically typed, which means that it needs to know at compile time about the method.


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