Re: Get gchar* from Glib::ustring

Dear Fabrício,

> > > And note that because the argument is untyped (it is an elipsis
> > > argument) you cannot use the normal C++ 0 as a synonym for NULL.

> > An explicit cast of 0 to pointer type is in fact the only safe way.

> Well, I'm somewhat confused. Should I use "static_cast<void*>(0)"?
> Each item is not char (16 bit)?

Your arguments to g_build_filename() are pointers to characters. On a
32bit system a pointer is 32bit, on a 64bit system it is 64bit. "NULL" is 
a pointer to anything (therefore also 64bit on a 64bit system), while "0" 
is an integer, which might be 32bit on a 64bit system. Or it might not be.

If you know what "static_cast<void*>(0)" means, then use it and feel
clever. If you don't, use "((void*)0)" and feel practical.

Good luck!

Mark Roberts, hardcore C++-Programmierer, Musiker, Schauspieler
05121 511455

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