goocanvasmm: problem on accessing cairo matrix

I am trying to understand goocanvasmm by examining the examples in goocanvasmm-0.14.0 In the example called 'text' I have added two lines to as follows:

void ExampleWindow::update_label()
   cairo_matrix_t * pMatrix = m_text->property_transform(); // line A
   double x0 = pMatrix->x0; // line B

   std::stringstream str;

My aim is to output the components of the transform matrix so that I can understand what is happening to it.
The program compiles and links in CDT with no reported error.

If I comment out line B, it runs OK and, as expected, gives the same output as the original example. With line B however, the program terminates and outputs a <terminated> message without opening a window.
It does not report an error.

I should be very grateful  if anyone can throw any light on this.


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