Weird exceptions policy in glibmm/giomm


I'm trying to figure out exceptions policy in glibmm/giomm. It's hard
to understand which functions exactly throw exceptions. I made some
research (I read API and source code), but this issue stays still
unclear for me.

As I see there is no exceptions policy for whole project. Some
functions handle exceptions only by returning bool value (example:
Glib::file_test ()).and other return both bool and throw exceptions
(Glib::KeyFile::load_from_file ()). I also found few functions, which
only throws exceptions (Glib::KeyFile::set_comment ()).

I thought that API will explain everything, but it didn't. Example,
description for  Glib::KeyFile::set_comment () doesn't mention, that
function throws exception... Moreover I found some bugs in
documentation, for example  documentation specify return value for
(again...) 'void Glib::KeyFile::set_comment ()'.

I use GTK+ within C++, but some I decided to move to GTKMM to get rid
of C drawbacks and write in pure C++. So far I continue using GTK+...

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