Getting parent Gtk::window

Hi to all,

I can't find information how to get a pointer to a widget parent
Gtk::Window. I know that the method "get_parent_window" return the a
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window>, but this isn't useful because I can't use it
with the method "set_transient_for" for a local Gtk::Dialog.
Another task I need to perform with the parent window pointer is to
enable or disable the sensitivity of the parent window.

I saw a solution, which was to copy a pointer of the base window into
its children. And the children copy, again, the pointer to its children,
etc. For example, this behavior can be implemented using the class

MessageDialog::MessageDialog (Gtk::Window* parentWindow) :
    mWidgetParent (parentWindow)

I don't like this solution, because is very error prune. Is this the
only possible solution?

Best regards
Pedro Sousa

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