Re: Subclassing widgets

> How would one pass/send the filename chosen _out_ of the toolbar
> object and up to the main window object where the database object has access
> to it?

That is exactly what you have to do. Use have to write your own signal
like any other GTK widget is doing. Here is how to do that:

Create a private member in your toolbar:

  typedef sigc::signal<void, Glib::ustring> SignalFileSelected;
  SignalFileSelected sig_file_selected;

Create a public access method to access the signal:

  SignalFileSelected& signal_file_selected (void)
  { return this->sig_file_selected; }

Don't forget the reference ("&")! Connect the signal from you main GUI,

      (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainGui::on_file_selected));

Inside the Toolbar, emit the signal if you have the new filename:


The method that takes the filename inside the main GUI is of type:

  void on_file_selected (Glib::ustring filename);


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