Glib::signal_idle().connect AND FileChooser

Hi all, 
I'm working on a Ogre3D viewer with gtkmm on linux and windows.

I'm using the last version of gtkmm for windows the 2.14.3-2 and it seems that my idle function to update the viewer render breaks the FileChooserDialog Render.
Actually the FileChooserDialog open, but nothing is displayed about the current directory, so i can't select any files.

I made a simple video to illustrate the problem :

At the (half) of the video, i comment the Glib::signal_idle().connect and after the dialog is allright, but my OgreScene is not updated ;)

Here is my code to update the viewer :
Glib::signal_idle().connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &MEApplication::idleA));

It was working fine with the 2.10-8.1 of gtkmm...

Maybe i'm doing something wrong?
Any ideas?

Thanks a lot and sorry for my english...


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