Key presses and releases

I'm so close to finishing up this application now, I'm just putting some
polish on it.

I have a drawing area in a viewport for scrolling. I want to add the
ability to pan with the mouse, but since the user is usually drawing
onto the drawing area I wanted them to use the spacebar to pan. So, you
hold down spacebar and drag around to pan, just like in photoshop, gimp,

I'm pretty sure I'm not going to have any problem with the actual
panning, but I can't figure out how to use the spacebar as a toggled
state. It seems the events are triggered by some kind of key repeat,
because when I hold down space I get a huge series of press events and
release events. So is there some way that I can tell if the spacebar is
held down constantly? I was looking through the GdkEventKey struct and
couldn't find a solution.

Also, I wanted to ask, what's the easiest way to get the selected row in
a TreeView to redraw?


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