Event to get Gtk::SpinButton value on key press / release


I've got a Gtk::SpinButton and I want to get the value immediately after
it is changed. I've looked at several different options and none seem to
accomplish quite what I want. For instance:

on_value_changed is not fired when a key is pressed and the value in the
box changes. It does fire when the box loses focus, however.

on_changed seems to fire before the change has resolved, meaning
get_value gets the value before it has been changed.

on_key_press/release also fires before the value has changed.

What I want to do is get the new value of the Gtk::SpinButton every time
somebody releases a key, spins, or whatever. Not the old value. And I
don't want to have to hit tab to the next entry for it to fire.

Is there some way to do this that doesn't involve a crazy hack? Am I
missing something?


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