Hi I have an application which changes the contents of a combobox dynamically whenever one of two buttons is pressed. After the first time a button is pressed, the entries are as expected, e.g. "s1","s2","s3" After the second time a button is pressed, each entry consists of two copies of the intended content, e.g. "a1 a1", "a2 a2" "a3 a3" After the third time a button is pressed, each entry consists of three copies of the intended content, e.g. "a1 a1" a1, "a2 a2 a2" "a3 a3 a3" and so on. I fill the combobox as follows: void dyncombo::sheep_action() { // remove previous entries m_refTreeModelIndividuals->clear(); // fill combobox with entries from array sheep for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(aSheep)/sizeof(char *); i++) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(m_refTreeModelIndividuals->append()); row[m_IndividualsColumns.m_colName] = aSheep[i]; } m_cboIndividuals.pack_start(m_IndividualsColumns.m_colName); m_cboIndividuals.set_active(0); } sheep_action is linked to the clicked-event of the button m_butSheep: m_butSheep.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &dyncombo::sheep_action) ); (The sources of a simplified example are zipped in the attachment) Am i doing something wrong here? Any help would be very much appreciated! Jody
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