Re: [newbie questions]

As John told, welcome from Me too. :D

If you call "hide()", the window will disappear.
To get the window back visible, call "show()" on the instance the
windows hides.
If you call "hide()" on the last window in you app,
the loop will end and "run()" will return to the "main"-function
wich normaly terminate the app (if you do not have any other threads
beside "run()" running).
It's just like "quit()".

If you permanently want to delete a window-instance, than I think it is
the best way to just kill the instance with the destructor when you call
"quit()" on that instance.

If I understand you question, the link wich John sends you is quite
good. Perhaps take a look to this page too, if you want receive signals
from other threads in you app.

Ok, if I'm not absolutly wrong, I hope we could help you a bit.



Am Donnerstag, den 16.10.2008, 11:22 -0500 schrieb John Hobbs:
> > Hi. I'm a newbie in gtkmm and have some questions.
> Welcome!
> > What happen with window when I close them. I mean when it will be deleted?
> > Can I solve when to delete windows, if yes than how?
> I don't know 100% what you are asking here.  When a window calls
> "hide()" then it goes away, but it isn't necessarily deleted.  I would
> guess as long as it is in scope it is still there.
> > How can I notify GUI thread from another thread (something like postEvent()
> > from the Qt)?
> Try Glib::Dispatcher?
> - John Hobbs
> john velvetcache org
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