Re: Disabling localisation for an app

2008/10/16 Paul Davis <paul linuxaudiosystems com>:
> you need to ensure that a portable locale is used when using stdio
> calls. my preferred method is this little class. Put one of this in any
> scope where you do stdio (input or output) and the locale is switched
> and then automatically restored when leaving the scope.
>        struct LocaleGuard {
>            LocaleGuard (const char*);
>            ~LocaleGuard ();
>            const char* old;
>        };
> LocaleGuard::LocaleGuard (const char* str)
> {
>        old = strdup (setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, NULL));
>        if (strcmp (old, str)) {
>                setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, str);
>        }
> }
> LocaleGuard::~LocaleGuard ()
> {
>        setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, old);
>        free ((char*)old);
> }

Thanks. I didn't know the 'setlocale' function, which was the one I
needed. I've just added a 'setlocale (LC_ALL, "C");' to my code, as I
don't want any locale changes anywhere in the application.


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