Re: GTKmm Windows - Glibmm KeyFile Problem

Armin Burgmeier wrote:
On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 17:09 -0500, John Hobbs wrote:
If the KeyFile doesn't exist, I want to start a config screen and make
one.  Problem is, I can't catch anything from load_from_file, it just
seems to blow up.
I ran into the same thing a few months ago.

What compiler version are you compiling your code with? Maybe there are
ABI incompatibilities between different MinGW compilers. And, just to be
sure, what gtkmm version are you using?
I have not tried your new installer yet but I did see this with an earlier
installer from Cedric Gustin.  The only way I could get the KeyFile thing
to work was to use the same MinGW to build the gtkmm and app.

Damon Register

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