Re: RecentFilter issue

Murray Cumming a écrit :
On Thu, 2008-04-17 at 16:10 +0200, Guillaume Brocker wrote:
Murray Cumming a écrit :
By default, recent choosers will show all recent files whatever the application that posted the file. So I will see items from other apps (GIMP for example) as well as those posted by my app. Adding a filter to keep only items posted by my app simply remove all items...

That would obviously be a bug. There must be some way to filter the list
on windows.


Finaly I found the bug. When adding new entries to the recent manager, I did not convert file paths to URIs. It seems that the recent manager got confused by this...

Converting paths to URIs can be done with Glib::filename_to_uri and getting paths from URIs with Glib::filename_from_uri.

Best regards.

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