Re: FileChooserDialog

Murray Cumming schrieb:
Please stop just replying to me off list. Use your reply-to-all feature.

So, from your reply below, can I assume that this is not a standard
Linux distribution, but a self-built one?

On Thu, 2008-11-27 at 14:35 +0100, peter daniels web de wrote:
pkg-config shows the following packages:

gmodule-no-export-2.0 GModule - Dynamic module loader for GLib
pango                 Pango - Internationalized text handling
cairo                 cairo - Multi-platform 2D graphics library
sigc++-2.0            libsigc++ 2 - Typesafe signal and callback system for C++
libpng                libpng - Loads and saves PNG files
glib-2.0              GLib - C Utility Library
gdkmm-2.4             gdkmm - C++ wrappers for GLib, GTK+, and Pango
gtk+-win32-2.0        GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library (win32 target)
libpng12              libpng - Loads and saves PNG files
cairo-png             cairo-png - PNG functions for cairo graphics library
glibmm-2.4            GLibmm - C++ wrapper for GLib
pangomm-1.4           Pangomm - C++ wrapper for Pango
libglademm-2.4        libglademm - C++ wrapper for libglade
gdk-win32-2.0         GDK - GTK+ Drawing Kit (win32 target)
gobject-2.0           GObject - GLib Type, Object, Parameter and Signal Library
pangocairo            Pango Cairo - Cairo rendering support for Pango
gmodule-2.0           GModule - Dynamic module loader for GLib
atk                   Atk - Accessibility Toolkit
gtkmm-2.4             gtkmm - C++ wrapper for GTK+
cairo-ps              cairo-ps - PostScript surface backend for cairo graphics library
cairo-win32           cairo-win32 - Microsoft Windows surface backend for cairo graphics library
cairomm-1.0           cairomm - C++ wrapper for cairo
libxml-2.0            libXML - libXML library version 2.
cairo-win32-font      cairo-win32-font - Microsoft Windows font backend for cairo graphics library
pangoft2              Pango FT2 and Pango Fc - Freetype 2.0 and fontconfig font support for Pango
pangowin32            Pango Win32 - Win32 GDI font support for Pango
gdk-2.0               GDK - GTK+ Drawing Kit (win32 target)
gthread-2.0           GThread - Thread support for GLib
atkmm-1.6             atkmm - C++ wrapper for atk
gtk+-2.0              GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library (win32 target)
gdk-pixbuf-2.0        GdkPixbuf - Image loading and scaling
cairo-pdf             cairo-pdf - PDF surface backend for cairo graphics library
giomm-2.4             giomm - C++ wrapper for gio-standalone
gio-2.0               GIO - glib I/O library
cairo-svg             cairo-svg - SVG surface backend for cairo graphics library
libxml++-2.6          libxml++ - C++ wrapper for libxml
libglade-2.0          Libglade - a library for dynamically loading GLADE interface files

It is a win32 distribution, indeed.

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