Re: properties and node widgets

Murray Cumming escribió:
On Fri, 2008-06-13 at 15:14 -0400, Hubert Figuiere wrote:
On Fri, 2008-06-13 at 21:08 +0200, Martin (OPENGeoMap) wrote:
Autodesk autocad (MFC) :
I'm sort of writing one for my app. It is not as sophisticated yet, and
it is Photo Metadata oriented.
what app are you talking about?.
Are you working in a widget using: GtkExpander+GtkVPaned+vboxes+labels(at the left)+combos, entries,etc (at the right).

,like a custom container:

Mono people have a nice widget in monodevelop for the properties. It´s not so amazing like properties of ms visual studio, but works.
I think that widget if derived by GTK# and we can not use it.

Also, Glom's relationships overview is an example of how you might
implement this. It uses goocanvas.

Yes exactly.  Like filemaker relationships overview then ;-) . thanks.
But goocanvas it´s little static don´t you think?. Perhaps clutter it´s perfect to create this kind of widgets???.


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