Re: Search in ComboBox

I think gtk+ people want deprecate use of private members like vbox from GtkDialog  for example.

I don´t see visible API for the entry in the GtkComboBoxEntry widget.

perhaps murray will make the gtk+ API changes transparent for the gtkmm users.

This in not the official GTK 3 but perhaps it was it.


You are wrong.
EntryCompletetion works perfectly well with ComboBoxEntry.
You could use same model - get it from ComboBoxEntry.
The entry is part of combo object, just call a method to get it.

    cmbName = Gtk::manage( new Gtk::ComboBoxEntryText() );

    for( XMLManager::VSI it = contList.begin(); it != contList.end(); ++it )
        cmbName->append_text( Glib::locale_to_utf8( *it ) );

    entName = ( Gtk::Entry* )cmbName->get_child();
    Glib::RefPtr< Gtk::EntryCompletion > cmpName = Gtk::EntryCompletion::create();
    entName->set_completion( cmpName );
    cmpName->set_model( cmbName->get_model() );
    cmpName->set_text_column( 0 );

В Срд, 04/06/2008 в 16:12 +0200, Martin (OpenGeoMap) пишет:
I think it´s no possible use autocompeltation with comboboxentry.


Martin (OPENGeoMap) wrote:
What about a gtk entry with  autocompletion?
Hi Martin!
Here in python a complete sample using autocompletion:

  entry = gtk.Entry()
  completion = gtk.EntryCompletion()
  liststore = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf)
  pixbufcell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
  completion.add_attribute(pixbufcell, 'pixbuf', 1)
  # create a gtk.CellRendererText and pack it in the completion. Also set
  # 'text' attribute
  # load up the liststore with string - pixbuf data - assuming pixbuf

the same for ruby/gnome, monogtk#, gtkmm, gtk, etc,..
  liststore.append(['string text', pixbuf])

You need a entry and also the EntryCompletion class. The widget you can 
see is the gtk::entry

Hi there

I'm trying to do that same thing, but using a comboboxentry, wich gets the
list from a DB.

This is my code and it gets the values from the DB and show them as a
combolist, but I have
no idea of how to add that autocomplete function to that. This is my code so

	widget = "combo_widget" # "combo widget" is a comboboxenty and I0m using
glade to create it.
	self.combo = self.xml.get_widget(widget)

	self.c.execute("SELECT column FROM table")
	list = self.c.fetchall()
	for values in list:
		self.combo.append_text('%s' % values[0])

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