Re: title bar icon using Gtk+ under icewm displayed as "X"

On Tue, 3 Jun 2008, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote :
On Tue, 2008-06-03 at 13:07 +0200, Christopher Lang wrote:

I am using Gtk::Window::set_icon_from_file (...png) to set the title bar icon
for a Window.
It works properly under kwm but under *icewm* still the X is being displayed
in the upper left corner of the window, instead of the icon.

Somebody knows how to set the tile bar icon to be displayed correctly under

This sounds like a bug that you should report against icewm.

AFAICT icewm doesn't honour that request - the icon is defined by icewm's config file based on the application name. I rather agree with Murray that this is a bug.
Rob Pearce             

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