Well, the quick answer is... I am lazy, and to make a long story short,
I wrote a class that wraps Gtk::VBox and Gtk::ComboBoxEntryText, so
that I can save much of the work of arranging a combo box in a
container widget. However, like everything else, it solves some
problems, but creates some others. hee, hee, hee.
Thanks man, for the help, I already knew the answer, but I was so tired
and desperate to resolve this issue that I could not come up with it...
I sure you are familiar with this problem too.
Have a good one, but if you are going to have more than one give me a
Milosz Derezynski wrote:
signal_changed() of Gtk::ComboBox for the case the user
selects with the dropdown:
Just btw if you want to automate the system like this is there a
specific reason you're using a ComboBoxEntry(Text)? Just wondering in
case you missed the API of the plain ComboBox :)
-- Milosz
2008/7/12 Jamiil < arbolone gmail com>:
In a 'Gtk::ComboBoxEntryText' are four items that are set as
'prepend_text', [Fruit, Vegetable, Meat, Fish]. When the user select
one of this items from the list the user thens move to another combo
box that will display only the names of fruits or vegetables or meats
or types of fish that are stored in a STL container [vector], depending
on what the user has selected. What I would like to do is to , as soon
as the cursor moves to the second pop up box, retrieve from the STL
container all the instances of the user's selection [names of different
fruits, veggies, meats or types of fish].
Now, how can I find out when the user has made a selection in the first
combo box? Is there a signal send by 'Gtk::ComboBoxEntryText' that I
should catch?
Thanks in advance
Happiness has many doors, and when one of them closes another opens,
yet we spent so much time looking at the one that is shut that we don't
see the one that just opened..
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Happiness has many doors, and when one of them closes another opens, yet we spent so much time looking at the one that is shut that we don't see the one that just opened..