Re: Converting a Glib::ValueBase to a derived type

On Tue, 2008-01-29 at 23:48 -0500, José Alburquerque wrote:
> I'm wondering, would anyone know how to convert a Glib::ValueBase to one 
> of its derived types (such as Glib::Value<int>) assuming the derived 
> type has been returned from a function as the base class 
> Glib::ValueBase?  I'm writing some code that would conveniently return a 
> derived Glib::ValueBase as a Glib::ValueBase and really don't know how 
> to convert it back to the derived type once it's been returned.  Thanks.

dynamic_cast<Glib::Value<int> *>(value);

(if value is actually a pointer like Glib::ValueBase*)

will return NULL if it can't convert.

If value is not a pointer type, do this:
dynamic_cast<Glib::Value<int> &>(value);

It will return a reference to value, or throw an exception if it can't

This is standard C++


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