Errors about missing cairo-related functions

	Hi, there !

	I'm compiling a simple application (GtkNotebook + GtkText,
MenuBar,ToolBar and StatusBar), generated in C++ by Glade-2.

	When I type './configure;make', everything goes fine, until the linking
process, in which it complains about missing functions in libcairo:

	/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `png_read_info PNG12_0'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `png_set_filler PNG12_0'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `png_set_packing PNG12_0'
(...and more...)

	I'm compiling this in an Ubuntu Linux 7.10 box, with all the
libcairomm, libgtkmm and related installed with the (to my knowledge)
-dev packages counterparts.

	Any idea about how to solve this problem ?



PBC -- J. Baltasar García Perez-Schofield
jbgarcia en uvigo de es
Dep. Informática, Universidad de Vigo, España (Spain)

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