Re: Gtk::ComboBoxEntry and Clipboard?

Andreas Volz wrote:
Am Fri, 22 Feb 2008 16:38:24 -0500 schrieb José Alburquerque:

Andreas Volz wrote:

I use a ComboBoxEntry in a Toolbar. The default keys for text copy
and paste (Ctrl-X/V/C) doesn't work. Any ideas why? Do I have to
implement it by myself? I thought Entries support it by default.

gtkmm-list mailing list
gtkmm-list gnome org

Could it be that Entry doesn't have the focus?

It has the focus. I could write text into the entry and all my keyboard
signals work. But maybe I changed some settings with glade by accident.
Any ideas for what I should look?

I haven't used glade very often so I honestly couldn't tell you. I still don't see why these keys wouldn't work if the entry is enabled, visible and active. Does the pop menu work on the entry? Does it show "Cut, Copy, Paste"? Maybe a short example code of what you're doing could help pinpoint the problem. OTH, you might be able to fix the problem by "re-creating" the Entry in glade from scratch.


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