Re: How do I use Glib::spawn_async_with_pipes on Windows

Hi again,

I tried to change the line to see if it works but no success. The error say "no matching function". I try many differents forms but none works...

The line in my code that calls spawn_async_with_pipes:
Glib::spawn_async_with_pipes("\"c:/\"", "\"c:/windows/NOTEPAD.EXE\"", Glib::SpawnFlags(0), sigc::slot<void>(), &m_intPlayerPID, &m_intPlayerIn, &m_intPlayerOut, &m_intPlayerError);

The error:
Player.cpp: In member function `void Player::play(int)':
Player.cpp:51: error: no matching function for call to `spawn_async_with_pipes(const char[6], const char[25], Glib::SpawnFlags, sigc::slot<void, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil>, int*, int*, int*, int*)'
/opt/gtk28win/include/glibmm-2.4/glibmm/spawn.h:147: note: candidates are: void Glib::spawn_async_with_pipes(const std::string&, const Glib::ArrayHandle<std::string, Glib::Container_Helpers::TypeTraits<std::string> >&, const Glib::ArrayHandle<std::string, Glib::Container_Helpers::TypeTraits<std::string> >&, Glib::SpawnFlags, const sigc::slot<void, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil>&, void**, int*, int*, int*)
/opt/gtk28win/include/glibmm-2.4/glibmm/spawn.h:156: note:                 void Glib::spawn_async_with_pipes(const std::string&, const Glib::ArrayHandle<std::string, Glib::Container_Helpers::TypeTraits<std::string> >&, Glib::SpawnFlags, const sigc::slot<void, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil>&, void**, int*, int*, int*)

Paulo Flabiano Smorigo

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