Re: Glib::spawn on Windows


I had the same problem...

Tomorrow i will paste the code. I don have the code here today.


Hi Armin,

Thanks for the reply. To execute my application on Windows I just installed gtk and gtk runtime.
Where is this gspawn-win32-helper? Where do I find the installer?

I install gtk and gtkmm from this two links:

Thanks again,
Paulo Flabiano Smorigo

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 11:11, Armin Burgmeier <armin arbur net <mailto:armin arbur net>> wrote:
    On Tue, 2008-08-26 at 10:30 -0300, Paulo Flabiano Smorigo wrote:
    > Hi everybody,
    > I'm trying to execute a program in my application using the Glib
    > Spawning Proccess library.
    > On linux works perfect but on windows I get a "No such file or
    > directory" error.
    > The command is:
    > Glib::spawn_command_line_async("c:\\windows\\NOTEPAD.EXE");
    > And the error on Windows is:
    > (player.exe:1568): glibmm-CRITICAL **:
    > unhandled exception (type Glib::Error) in signal handler:
    > domain: g-exec-error-quark
    > code  : 19
    > what  : Failed on execute an auxiliary program (No such file or
    > directory)

    Asynchronous spawning needs a helper program on Windows, called
    gspawn-win32-helper.exe. This is not found on your system. Where
    did you
    install glib from? It should be included in the official glib binary
    packages from <>.

    > Thanks in advance...
    > P.F.Smorigo


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