Re: Where I put the realize function?

Paulo Flabiano Smorigo wrote:
Only for knowledge, I solved the problem creating a signal at the main gtkmm class. Like this:

signal_realize().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PlayerWindow::setWindowID));

And then put the following code in the function:

int wid;
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> wid = get_window();
wid = GDK_WINDOW_XID(Glib::unwrap(get_window()));
std::cout << "WID: " << wid << std::endl;

I was just thinking, I think you may want to make sure that you are connecting to the signal_realize() of the widget you use to put the video in and not the main window. As Paul already mentioned in the "embed" thread, it is important to use a widget with its own GdkWindow (like a Gtk::DrawingArea), but also connect to that widget's signal_realize() and not to the main window's signal_realize(). I'm only guessing though, but I think you'll get better results this way.


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