Adding Tooltips in a TreeView


I'm trying to set tooltips by row in a tree view, but I'm a tad stuck.

Looking at the documentation I see I need a Gtk::TreeModel::Path,
which I am currently getting from a Gtk::TreeModel::iterator, which I
get in turn from calling append() on a Gtk::ListStore :-)

What I also apparently need is a RefPtr to a Gtk::ToolTip, here is the
call from the documentation [1].

void Gtk::TreeView::set_tooltip_row ( const Glib::RefPtr<Tooltip>&
tooltip, const TreePath& path );

My question is, where do I get a RefPtr to a Gtk::Tooltip? There isn't
a static "create()" method in Gtk::Tooltip like I am accustomed to.
Anyone see what am I missing here?

Thanks for your help in advance :-)

- John Hobbs

john velvetcache org


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