Re: Glib::Dispatcher and data transfer into main loop

Andreas Volz schrieb:

I'm using a Glib::Dispatcher to dispatch data from a thread into my
main loop. This is my code:
Any ideas how to solve that problem? I've seen no way to give data to the dispatchSignal()
call. So I need a member variable to transfer data from the thread called function to the
dispatched function. I could think of a queue that saves all the incoming data from the thread for later use in the dispatched function. Do you think that's the best way to do it?
Any other ideas?

Did you see my post a few days ago about interthread communication with sigx? The library would solve exactly your problem (and it does indeed put the incoming data into a message queue). cMan could create a signal to which other threads can connect. The signal can have any number of parameters (up to sigc's arity).

klaus triendl

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