Re: Can't get Gdk::Window from Gtk::Window

 I'm stuck trying to figure out how to get a Gdk::Window from a
You should be able to use Gtk::Widget::get_window().  This will return
NULL before the widget is realized, but after it is realized it should
return a valid Gdk::Window.
That seems to work, I wasn't all that clear on how the inheritance 
worked between Gtk::Window and Gtk::Widget.
Yes, this seems like a case where the the C documentation was not
customized correctly for the C++ API.  I think you should be able to
pass a 'NULL' RefPtr<Pixmap> to this parameter and it should work.
Glib::RefPtr<Pixmap> none;
w->set_back_pixmap(none ...)

I haven't tested it to make sure though.

here's a bug I filed for the issue:
Yes, that syntax does appear to work as you've indicated in the bug, but 
I agree that a dedicated unset_* function would be a lot more intuitive!
Thanks for your help!


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