Changing Gtk::Action accels


I am trying to write a simple code to let the user change the accelerators associated to actions during the execution. I set up a Gtk::TreeView with Gtk::CellRendererAccel to edit and render the accelerators. I am able to receive the emitted signals however I got strange results on modification like being unable to modify the accels for compile time associated actions or multiple slots associated to a single accel. In my application I use a Gtk::ActionGroup (I put it together with the TreeView related thing in a single class) and a Gtk::UIManager to which I add the Gtk::ActionGroup and from which the AccelGroup is extracted and passed to the main window.

I saw in action some things i could undo for instance disconnecting for a signalproxy but there seem not to be a disconnect() function. I do not really know about all that signal/slot proxys.

I send you a copy of the code i use. Thanks a lot for your comments/ideas/...


class AccelPrefs : public Gtk::TreeView

  // CmpGlibUstring may not be necessary
std::map<Glib::ustring, Gtk::Action::SlotActivate, CmpGlibUstring> m_slots;

  void add(const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> action,
           const Gtk::Action::SlotActivate& slot)
  m_ref_action_group->add(action, slot);
  Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(m_ref_list_store->append());
  row[m_columns.action_name] = action->get_name();
  m_slots[action->get_name()] = slot;

void add(const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> action,
         const Gtk::AccelKey& accel,
         const Gtk::Action::SlotActivate& slot)
  m_ref_action_group->add(action, accel, slot);
  Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(m_ref_list_store->append());
  row[m_columns.action_name] = action->get_name();
  row[m_columns.accel_key] = accel.get_key();
  row[m_columns.accel_mods] = accel.get_mod();
  m_slots[action->get_name()] = slot;

AccelPrefs::on_accel_edited(const Glib::ustring& path,
    guint key, Gdk::ModifierType mods, guint hardware)
  guint old_key;
  Gdk::ModifierType old_mods;

  // Update the displayed accelerator
  Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(m_ref_list_store->get_iter(path));
  row[m_columns.accel_key] = key;
  row[m_columns.accel_mods] = mods;

  // Modify the action's accel
  Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> action = m_ref_action_group->get_action(
  Glib::ustring action_name = action->get_name();
  Gtk::Action::SlotActivate slot = m_slots[action_name];
  Gtk::AccelKey new_accel_key = Gtk::AccelKey(key, mods);
  m_ref_action_group->add(action, new_accel_key, slot);

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