Re: glibmm g_mkdir_with_parents() function/method

Armin Burgmeier wrote:
If it is not wrapped in glibmm, you can always call the C function
(namely g_mkdir_with_parents()) from within your C++ code.

Also, in Gobby, we have a function that does probably the same as
g_mkdir_with_parents (which we did not use because gobby only requires
glib 2.6):

        void create_path_to(const std::string& to)
                // Directory exists, nothing to do
                if(Glib::file_test(to, Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_DIR) )

                // Find path to the directory to create
                std::string path_to = Glib::path_get_dirname(to);

                // Create this path, if it doesn't exists

                // Create new directory
                create_directory(to.c_str() );


This really helps. Thanks. I really just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something and you've cleared this up quite well. Thanks again.


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